Does your dog or cat startle easily at any sound, even sounds they hear every day? Does your pet spend a lot of time hiding or slinking from one safe spot to another?
Bach Flower Remedies can offer help. Aspen (Populus tremula) calms fear and apprehension when the cause is unknown. It helps sudden anxiety, trembling, shaking. Aspen restores calm and normal breathing and reduces muscle tension.
This remedy works well for animals that have been skittish since birth, for pets that easily freak out when something new happens in the house and for those who fear going outside.
I suggest to give the remedy several times a day or put a few drops in the drinking water for at least five days in a row to seee the best results. Aspen works well when given with the remedy Mimulus.
For more information about flower remedies I recommend Bach Flower Remedies for Animals by Helen Graham and Gregory Vlamis.