Thursday, June 16, 2011

Indoor Pets Can Still Have Ticks!

Tick season is here and even if your dog or cat is an indoor pet, they can still get ticks.  Ticks can hitch a ride inside on your clothing and make their way onto your pet.

Deer tick

Brush your cat or dog daily, especially after each visit outdoors to dislodge ticks.  Make sure your human family members do a daily head-to-toe tick check as well. 

Deer ticks carry Lyme disease that can cause chronic symptoms in humans and and pets, even with treatment. Lyme disease is found in all 50 states and is caused by Borrelia burgdorferi, corkscrew-shaped bacteria that live in the gut of deer ticks and western black-legged ticks. When an infected tick feeds on a dog, person or other mammal, the bacteria are transmitted and can cause an infection.

Always, always talk to your vet before using any flea/tick treatment on your pet and in the yard. Purchase these treatments from you veterinarian and not over the counter.  Over the counter products may have toxic ingredients than can harm or kill your pet. And finally never use products made for dogs, on cats.