Tuesday, January 10, 2012

SeaCure Protein for Digestive Issues in Pets

This is not a paid advertisement or endorsement. 

I have been using this product recommended to me by my vet for many years off and on as needed and think it is worth talking about.  Years ago when one of my cats had intestinal cancer my vet suggested using SeaCure to help his digestion and add nutrients to his diet.  Being pure fish protein, it is easily digestible.

Using marine micro-organisms that digests whole fish fillets into protein fragments that are mostly 2 and 3 amino acids long (di-peptides and tri- peptides). This predigested protein is very soluble and very easy for the human digestive system to absorb.  From my understanding, this product was invented to treat humans suffering from malnutrition. Many vets now use it to treat pets for the same issues.

Mainly SeaCure helps the digestive tract repair itself.  It alleviates nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.  It helps irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, ulcers and leaky gut syndrome.

I have been using this on my cat Minnie who has suffered for years with irritable bowel.  She vacillates between constipation and diarrhea.  Often she strains so hard to go, she vomits her food.  After a few weeks of being on this product, Minnie is doing so much better with regular bowel movements and no vomiting.

I also give this to my elderly cats who have lost weight and muscle tone in old age.  SeaCure  helps the elderly to maintain their strength and stamina by providing them with a easily digestible protein in their diet. 

Besides adding digestion, SeaCure also speeds the healing of wounds, reduces the side effects of chemo and helps those with HIV/Aids (or FIV in cats) to maintain weight, avoid muscle loss and diarrhea.  I give this to my cat Ivy who has FIV.

There are many sources online to purchase SeaCure.  Some offer a pet version but I buy a human supplement and open the capsule, sprinkling it on their food.  My rule of thumb is to give 1/8 to 1/4 of the human dose to pets, depending on size and weight.  Both cats and dogs can benefit from SeaCure.

We give this product 40 thumbs up!