This blog is for informational purposes only. Please consult with a veterinarian if your pet is ill.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

February is National Pet Dental Month

If you are like me you don't relish trying to brush your dog or cat's teeth, never mind on a regular basis! But it is a very important health issue.

There is a strong correlation between our pets' teeth and their overall health. By age three, all pets have some degree of dental disease. Without daily brushing, a biofilm consisting of food debris, saliva and bacteria coats the teeth, mineralizes and becomes tartar. Bacteria can build up in the mouth, enter the bloodstream and damage the dog or cat's heart, kidneys, liver and other internal organs. Poor dental health also leads to broken or loose teeth.

It is a little easier to see inside a dog's mouth than a cat for checking their teeth. Prying open a cat's mouth requires skill and timing as well as tolerance from your cat. Yet daily brushing can save you hundreds of dollars a year and prevent your pet from having anesthesia, surgery and infectious diseases.

Ask your vet to suggest a dental cleaning kit for you to use on your pet. You brush and floss daily - why not Fido and Daisy?


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