This blog is for informational purposes only. Please consult with a veterinarian if your pet is ill.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Pets Overheating - An Emergency!

With summer comes high temperatures and while uncommon, our pets can overheat just like us if they are tied in a spot outdoors with no shade or left in a hot car.

These situations should be avoided at all costs - our pets deserve humane treatment and should never be left outdoors without shade and water on hot days. Even with the windows open your car will quickly overheat causing their body temperature to rise resulting in brain damage or death.

The first sign of overheating will be panting, sometimes intensely. The mucus membranes and skin become deep red as the body shifts circulation to superficial areas to increase heat loss. Nausea, dizziness and weakness quickly ensue if the body temperature does not drop. High temperature can impair the regulating center in the brain causing greater danger - the skin may become cool and the animal is usually faint or may lose consciousness.

This is an emergency situation and veterinary action is needed immediately. Rapid cooling is necessary to avoid damage such as rinsing or emerging in cool water. Do not use ice water as this will worsen the situation causing shivering and constricting the surface blood vessels, both canceling out the body's cooling mechanism.

Simply by providing shade, water and cool temperatures for your pet you can avoid a very life threatening situation on hot summer days.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

TNR - It Saves Money!

How to handle feral cat colonies is a topic of controversial debate. Some groups advocate using archaic and cruel methods to kill them while the flip side offers to trap, neuter and release them back to the colony where they are fed, sheltered and cared for by volunteers.

According to an economic study commissioned by Best Friends Animal Society, trapping feral cats to kill them is not only inhumane but is a useless waste of tax dollars.

The study found that given the estimated 87 million homeless cats in the US, it would cost government agencies about $16 billion to trap and kill them as opposed to approximately $9 billion for supporting Trap, Neuter and Release programs run by rescue organizations and individual volunteers.

Tell this to any group trying to kill ferals rather than manage the colony - money talks! For more info on TNR contact Alley Cat Allies.

Information from Feline Wellness magazine.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Dangers of Third Hand Smoke

We have all heard the dangers of second hand smoke for pets and people but studies now show that third hand smoke is also really bad for our pets.

According to a study done by Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and reported by Mulligan Stew pet foods, third hand smoke is comprised of the toxins that settle in the carpets, walls, upholstery, clothes and even skin and hair.

Second hand smoke is inhaled but third hand smoke is absorbed into the body by skin exposure, dust inhalation and digestion. Cats and other animals are at risk because they are closer to the surfaces that these toxins settle on.

If you smoke or live with a could be endangering yourself and your QUIT!


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