Does your dog pace constantly, follow you around or chase his tail in circles? Puppies can be very energetic up to 2 years of age but some dogs never slow down. Traditional vets tend to treat this with mood altering drugs if it is a chemical imbalance. Holistic vets offer different alternatives.
Calm them with aromatherapy. Sprinkle a few drops of lavender oil on your dog's bedding once a day to take the edge off.
Impatience is a flower remedy that can help your dog relax. Put a few drops into each fresh bowl of water and she will sip it all day long.
Playing music in the house helps too. A slow even tempo is best - soft jazz, New Age and country.
Exercise your dog. Take extra walks, spend time playing fetch with him. Wear him out with play.
Milk contains a natural sedative called tryptophan which promotes sleep. A quarter cup of warm milk once or twice a day will lower his energy level.
Blue is a calming color. Try using a blue light bulb in the area where your dog sleeps. Blue can stimulate the pituitary glands to produce calming hormones.
Finally, relax her with herbs. Some vets sell a herbal combination called Calm Pet with kava kava, St. John's Wort, chamomille and valerian root which may help your dog be calmer.