Emergencies can happen without warming. Do you have the materials in one place to give first aid to your pet? Here is a simple list of what to include:
* Your Vet's phone number
* The phone number to the closest emergency 24-hour clinic
* A first aid manual for pets
* Muzzles the correct size for your pets
* Antibacterial soap
* Antibiotic ointment
* Bandaging materials - 2-inch stretchable and non stretchable gauze rolls and gauze pads in a variety of sizes
* Blunt tipped scissors
* Cotton balls
* Disposable rubber gloves
* Hydrogen peroxide (3%)
* Masking tape
* Needle-nose pliers
* Petroleum jelly
* Plastic needles syringe or turkey baster
* Rectal thermometer
* Saline solution
* Tweezers